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5 All-In-One Companies Dead-Set On Saving Their Customers Serious Time

Customers Serious Time

Go over the last week in your head. Did you get everything done that you wanted to? If so, great. Now think about this—did you get it all done on time?

Again, if you did, that’s impressive. Let’s take it one step further: did you have enough free time this last week to enjoy yourself, relax, and even get a head start on next week’s work?

This is where things get a bit sticky. The fact of the matter is, that finishing everything you need to do on time is great, but we should be striving for something more, finding ways to make our daily processes more efficient and freeing up time to do things that are fulfilling and revitalizing for us. Unfortunately, for most of us, this is rarely the case.

Blink, and you’ll find a new stack of tasks to complete by day’s end or week’s end, and then once it’s finished, a new stack appears. It can get monotonous and tiring, and it’s hard to break out of the cycle. Luckily for us, there are ways that we can break out.

There are a handful of companies out there that have perfected the art of streamlining daily tasks and making them so efficient that not only will you finish in time, you’ll have time to spare.

1) Fresh Desk

If you own a business, you have to deal with customers—that’s just the name of the game. Of course, most small business owners don’t get into the world of entrepreneurialism because they’re chomping at the bit to deal with customer service issues.

This is where Fresh Desk comes in. They help you take care of ticket management, helpdesk automation, and collaboration, and even serve as a store of knowledge, tips, and advice for business owners or customer relations managers looking to form a more effective strategy.

2) Otonomic

No modern business can succeed without a good website. Unfortunately, building a good website is easier said than done. Or at least it used to be. Now, business owners looking to form a sleek and effective website without breaking the bank can turn to Otonomic.

By taking data from your Facebook page, Autonomic uses artificial intelligence to form a website that looks the part, organizing your content and bringing to life the brand you’ve been cultivating. You’ll put in the content that’s important to you, and Autonomic takes care of the rest.

3) Occasion Station

When you talk about all-in-one services, nobody fits the bill better than Occasion Station. This company was built to make sure that you never forget to give a gift again. It will allow you to input any important event for any person in your life that warrants a gift, and can remind you when the time comes.

However, this is much more than just a glorified calendar. Occasion Station’s team can, if you want them to, take over the any and every aspect of the gift-giving process for you. From picking out a perfect gift to even purchasing it and sending it off, Occasion Station truly does it all.

4) Hello Fresh

If you haven’t heard of Hello Fresh before, now’s the time to get acquainted. This is a service built to make cooking simple and painless. How often do you get started preparing a meal, only to find that you don’t have all of the ingredients? Or worse, how often do you have unused ingredients sitting in your fridge just waiting to be thrown away?

Hello Fresh solves these problems, sending you top-of-the-line ingredients for meals, portioned out to be exactly what you need. This means no shopping for you, and no leftovers once the meal’s been prepared, saving you time and money spent on food that will just go bad anyway.

5) TaskRabbit

All of us have projects in our homes or workplaces that need to be done but have just been left to sit, unfinished. Whether it’s something we have no time for, or just something we have no desire to do, we’ve all been there, and are likely there right now.

TaskRabbit solves this issue. Whatever issue you need fixing or odd job that needs doing, you’ll be able to get ahold of a “tasker” in your area to get it done.

Maybe there are some pictures that need framing and hanging, a lawn that needs mowing, or a piano that needs to get from one room to the other. If you can’t take care of the job yourself, or if you just don’t want to, you can hire a tasker to do the handy work you.

Just about all of us have full schedules, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The services listed above are viable, all-in-one solutions to many of life’s daily tasks. With these services, you won’t be giving up the work you’re passionate about, you’ll just be freeing up more time to pursue those passions.

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