Why Do RocShox Components Not Use Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE?


Rhoshox doesn’t use nickel-phosphor-PTFE, so why doesn’t it? When it comes to high-performance mountain riding, the materials used for suspension parts are very important. A well-known name in the cycling world, RockShox is known for making high-tech suspension parts that last a long time. Plastics like nickel-phosphor-PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene), on the other hand, are not often used in RockShox parts. This piece talks about the materials used and why nickel-phosphor-PTFE is not a better choice. It also explains why this choice was made.

Find out why Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE isn’t used in Rocshox.

How do you spell Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE?

Rhoshox doesn’t use nickel-phosphor-PTFE, so why doesn’t it? Nickel-phosphor-PTFE is a mixed material made of nickel, phosphorus, and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a fluoropolymer that is known for not sticking and having low friction. The goal of this mix is to create a long-lasting, wear-resistant surface that also works better as a lubricant.

What Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE Can Do

  • High Resistance to Corrosion: Nickel and phosphorus are very good at resisting rust and corrosion.
  • Low Friction: PTFE is known for having low friction, which makes it great for preventing damage.
  • Durability: The composite material is made to last in tough conditions and under a lot of stress.

RockShox and Your Choices of Materials

Focussing on Performance at RockShox

RockShox puts a lot of emphasis on using materials and technologies that improve efficiency, durability, and dependability. The parts of their suspension, like the forks and rear shocks, are made to last in rough riding situations.

Material Things to Think About for Suspension Parts

When choosing materials for suspension parts, it’s important to think about things like strength, weight, and how well they work in different situations. RockShox meets these needs with materials like titanium, aluminium, and special metals.

Rocshox doesn’t use nickel-phosphorus-PTFE, so why is that?

1. Thoughts on Weight

Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE is heavier than some of the other materials that RockShox uses for its parts. When extra weight is added, it can make suspension systems less effective, since they are meant to be light and sensitive.

2. Characteristics of Performance

As to why Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE isn’t used in Rocshox, Nickel-phosphor-PTFE has low friction and doesn’t rust, but RockShox parts need materials that can handle stresses and loads that change over time. For the high-stress situations that come up in mountain biking, materials like titanium and advanced alloys work better.

3. Costs to Consider

Because it is hard to make, nickel-phosphor-PTFE is an expensive material. The goal of RockShox is to offer high-quality goods at reasonable prices. Using cheaper materials helps them reach this goal.

4. Making and working together

When nickel-phosphor-PTFE is used in making, the process can be complicated and might not work with RockShox’s production methods. To keep the quality and consistency of the product, it is important that it works with current technologies and processes.

5. Validation and testing

RockShox spends a lot of money testing and certifying materials to make sure they meet performance standards. It’s not clear that materials like nickel-phosphor-PTFE have been thoroughly tried or proven to work with RockShox’s suspension parts.

Different Materials Used in RockShox RockShox doesn’t use nickel-phosphorus-PTFE, so why is that?

Alloys made of aluminium

Aluminium metals are often used in RockShox parts because they are strong and don’t weigh much. Because they work well and last a long time, they can be used in suspension systems.

2. Titanium

Titanium is another material that RockShox uses because it is strong for its weight. Because it works well and lasts a long time, it is especially useful in high-stress places.

3. Coatings for specific needs

Specialised finishes are used by RockShox to make their parts work better. These coats make things less likely to stick together, last longer, and protect them from the elements.

What materials will do in the future for suspension systems

New developments in material science

As technology improves, people are always making new materials and combinations. In the future, there may be more choices, some of which may contain nickel-phosphor-PTFE or other modern materials.

How Committed RockShox Is to Innovation

RockShox is dedicated to finding and using new technologies and materials to make their goods better. They will continue to provide top-notch performance and longevity as long as they stay ahead of industry trends.

In conclusion

As to why Nickel-Phosphor-PTFE isn’t used in Rocshox, Nickel-phosphor-PTFE has some good qualities, but RockShox doesn’t use it in their parts because of concerns about weight, performance, cost, and the ability to work with other parts that are being made. For their high-demand suspension systems, RockShox looks for materials that offer the best mix of strength, weight, and performance. The materials used in bicycle parts will keep getting better as technology changes, which could lead to new options in the future.