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Use These Five Marketing Secrets To Transform Your Website


Your website is your store. It’s where all your products are displayed, and it’s where you do all your business. So even though consumers can’t admire your fancy window display or hang around under the heater in wintertime, you need to pay close attention to your website. 

Even though you don’t own a real-world store, you can use the same principles as brick-and-mortar businesses to attract customers like magnets and transform your sales. Here’s what you need to know:

Window dressing

Imagine you’re walking through a shopping mall. There are stores all around you bragging about their latest discount and parading their latest products. 

Which store do you walk into? 

The one with the most inviting window display, right? It’s the same story online. Treat your website as your storefront. It’s easy to believe that your product is amazing, and as long as prospects know about it, the sales will come flooding in. This is an expensive mistake to make. 

Having an attractive and well-designed website is crucial to the success of any online business. Why not try web development agency services to ensure your site is the most inviting in the online shopping mall?

Putting your digital salesperson to work

Once you’ve got your shop, you’ll need a digital salesperson to sell your products. This means employing a professional copywriter to write your promotional emails, landing pages and product descriptions. 

Copywriting is salesmanship in print and will work all day and all night selling your business to customers. Many businesses underestimate the importance of quality copy. If you’re serious about selling, don’t be one of them.

Get closer to your customers

Now you’ve given your website a spring clean, and your sales copy is sharp as a tack, the next step is to maintain a close relationship with both new and regular customers. One of the best ways of doing this is through a regular email newsletter. You will become more familiar with your prospects and encourage your one-time buyers to become lifetime customers. A

Another great way of doing this is through social media, sharing regular posts and engaging directly with your customers.

Let customers know how great you are

Whether you’re including glowing testimonials on your website or keeping a counter of how many people are currently looking at your products, you should be doing everything you can to recreate the ‘queuing around the block’ popularity you see in popular shops at the mall. Customers want to be reassured that your brand is the one they should be buying from and that you can be trusted to deliver on your promises. 

Don’t let people get lost

With your website, it’s best to keep things simple. If you load your landing pages with calls to action everywhere, badly ordered product categories and overzealous ad banners, prospects will be confused and likely leave. You wouldn’t design your store like a maze, so avoid doing the same online.

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